In 2017, LAB was selected by the leading luxury-resale supplier in the world to carry their extensive inventory of designer handbags, and accessories. Many of which are now discontinued bags, rare, and current limited edition bags. At the time, LAB was the only Canadian store approached to sell their products. You may see the same images that you see on LAB, on other websites too. Our supplier sells to other stores aside from LAB.
This is where the bulk of our luxury items are sourced.
These items are sourced from all over Europe, North America, and Japan. They are photographed, examined for their condition, and put through a rigorous authentication process.
Our supplier uploads the product on weekdays at 8pm EST directly to our site, with images, pricing, and descriptions. Often, the language in the descriptions may be a touch lost in translation (we are working on this!) and, because we're a Canadian retailer that purchases these products in USD, the prices can waver as the exchange rate does. This is also why these items rarely go on sale.
This is where our Make an Offer feature comes in handy. Because we have THOUSANDS of products, and pricing can fluctuate, there may be opportunities for you to save on the advertised price. If you see the Make an Offer button, present us with a reasonable offer and, if we approve, the product could be yours at the agreed-upon price. They sale is not final until you go through the checkout process of course :) (And if you have any questions, just email us! We're always happy to hear from you!)
We also want to note that the condition grading for these products can be very conservative. Our vendor discloses EVERY little bump and bruise, even those unseen to the naked eye. They do this so our customers won't be surprised when the item arrives. Honesty is and will always be the backbone of LAB. If you have any questions about the condition of a product, just message us and we'll take a close look at the condition grading and contact our supplier for more information.
Clothing, Footwear, and brand new beauty items come from our local consignors who we've been working with for a decade.
The LAB Edit
These are new items sourced from vendors, brands, makers, and wholesalers.